Teke Teke: Moonlit Dread

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The old spooky legends come true in this disturbing horror game! A usual stroll to the local grocery shop in the evening turns into a dreadful adventure, where you can either miraculously survive or you may face the main hero of the creepy narratives, a ferocious ghost.

What will you do in the time of danger? There are several approaches, but only one of them will lead you to salvation. Explore the infamous store and figure out how to get out of it alive. There is no one to help you, so rely only on yourself! And what is more important, be careful not to make too much noise!

It seems like staying inside the building is the best option, as the violent entity seems to be outside, but this assumption can turn out to be a great misconception. Follow the signs and hints you can observe from time to time and you will be able to get over this terrible night.